Stock Price Predictions

Predicting Stock Prices using linear Regression.

Peter Sullivan
Stock = "AAPL"

start_date <- Sys.Date()


[1] "2022-02-12"
retrieval_date <- start_date - years(4)

Stock_data <- tq_get(Stock, get = "stock.prices", from = retrieval_date, to = start_date)

Stock_data %>% datatable()

Getting Signals

Stock_data <- Stock_data %>%

  group_by(symbol) %>%

  tq_mutate(select = close,

            mutate_fun = MACD,

            col_rename = c("MACD", "Signal"))%>%

  tq_mutate(select = adjusted, mutate_fun = RSI) %>%

  tq_mutate(select = adjusted, mutate_fun = BBands, col_rename = "Bbands") %>%

  tq_mutate_xy(x = close, y =volume, mutate_fun = EVWMA, col_rename = "EVWMA") %>%

  mutate(Stock_movement = case_when(

    lag(close)- close > 0 ~ "Decrease",

    close > lag(close) ~ "Increase",

    close == lag(close) ~"No Change"


           ) %>%



Stock_data <- Stock_data %>% mutate(forecast1day = lead(close,1),

                                    forecast1week = lead(close,7),

                                    forecast2week = lead(close,14),

                                    forecast4week = lead(close,31),

                                    forecast2month = lead(close,60),

                                    forecast4month = lead(close,120))

Stock_data %>% head(10) %>% select(close, forecast1day,forecast1week)

# A tibble: 10 x 4

# Groups:   symbol [1]

   symbol close forecast1day forecast1week

   <chr>  <dbl>        <dbl>         <dbl>

 1 AAPL    40.7         41.1          43.1

 2 AAPL    41.1         41.8          43.9

 3 AAPL    41.8         43.2          44.7

 4 AAPL    43.2         43.1          44.6

 5 AAPL    43.1         43.0          44.5

 6 AAPL    43.0         42.8          43.8

 7 AAPL    42.8         43.1          44.1

 8 AAPL    43.1         43.9          44.2

 9 AAPL    43.9         44.7          44.2

10 AAPL    44.7         44.6          43.8
Stock_data <- Stock_data[complete.cases(Stock_data),]

#Stock_data %>% colnames()

current <- lm(close ~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecast1daymodel <- lm(forecast1day ~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecast1weekmodel <- lm(forecast1week ~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecast2weekmodel <- lm(forecast2week ~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecastmonthmodel <-lm(forecast4week~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecast2monthmodel <- lm(forecast2month~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)

forecast4monthmodel <- lm(forecast4month~ volume + MACD+ rsi+ EVWMA , data = Stock_data)








Stock_data$currentPrediction <- predict(current, Stock_data)

Stock_data$day1prediction <- predict(forecast1daymodel, Stock_data)

Stock_data$day7prediction <- predict(forecast1weekmodel, Stock_data)

Stock_data$day14prediction <- predict(forecast2weekmodel, Stock_data)

Stock_data$day31prediction <- predict(forecastmonthmodel, Stock_data)

correlations <- c(cor(Stock_data$currentPrediction,Stock_data$close),cor(Stock_data$day1prediction, Stock_data$forecast1day),cor(Stock_data$day7prediction, Stock_data$forecast1week),cor(Stock_data$day14prediction, Stock_data$forecast2week),cor(Stock_data$day31prediction, Stock_data$forecast4week))

Predictions_cor <- c("Current", "1dayModel","1weekModel","2weekModel","1monthModel")

cbind(Predictions_cor,round(correlations,3)) %>% knitr::kable()

Current 0.999
1dayModel 0.998
1weekModel 0.992
2weekModel 0.985
1monthModel 0.968
Stock_data %>% ggplot()+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$day7prediction), color ="red")+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$forecast2week), color ="blue")

Stock_data %>% ggplot()+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$day31prediction), color ="red")+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$forecast4week), color ="blue")

Stock_data %>% ggplot()+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$day7prediction), color ="red")+

  geom_point(aes(x = date, Stock_data$forecast1week), color ="blue")

start_date <- Sys.Date()


[1] "2022-02-12"
retrieval_date <- start_date - months(6)

new_stock_data <- tq_get(Stock, get = "stock.prices", from = retrieval_date, to = start_date)

new_stock_data <- new_stock_data %>%

  group_by(symbol) %>%

  tq_mutate(select = close,

            mutate_fun = MACD,

            col_rename = c("MACD", "Signal"))%>%

  tq_mutate(select = adjusted, mutate_fun = RSI) %>%

  tq_mutate(select = adjusted, mutate_fun = BBands, col_rename = "Bbands") %>%

  tq_mutate_xy(x = close, y =volume, mutate_fun = EVWMA, col_rename = "EVWMA") %>%

  mutate(Stock_movement = case_when(

    lag(close)- close > 0 ~ "Decrease",

    close > lag(close) ~ "Increase",

    close == lag(close) ~"No Change"


           ) %>%


new_stock_data$monthforecast <- predict(forecastmonthmodel, new_stock_data)

new_stock_data$week2forecast <- predict(forecast2weekmodel, new_stock_data)

new_stock_data$month2forecast <- predict(forecast2monthmodel, new_stock_data)

new_stock_data$month4forecast <- predict(forecast4monthmodel, new_stock_data)

new_stock_data$monthforecastdate <- new_stock_data$date + days(31)

new_stock_data$week2forecastdate <- new_stock_data$date +days(14)

new_stock_data$month2forecastdate <- new_stock_data$date+ days(60)

new_stock_data$month4forecastdate <- new_stock_data$date +days(120)

new_stock_data%>% ggplot()+

  geom_line(aes(x = monthforecastdate, y = monthforecast),color = "red")+

  geom_line(aes(x = week2forecastdate, y = week2forecast),color = "green")+

  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = close), color = "blue")+

  geom_line(aes(x = month2forecastdate, y = month2forecast) ,color = "orange")+

  geom_line(aes(x = month4forecastdate, y = month4forecast), color = "gray")

#new_stock_data %>% select(monthforecastdate,monthforecast) %>% filter(monthforecastdate > "2022-01-01")

new_stock_data %>% ggplot()+geom_line(aes(x = month4forecastdate, y = month4forecast), color = 'red')+

  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = close), color = 'blue')

x<-new_stock_data %>%

  ggplot()+geom_line(data = new_stock_data   %>% filter(month2forecastdate > Sys.Date()),aes(x = month2forecastdate, y = month2forecast), color = 'red')+

  geom_line(aes(x = date, y = close), color = 'blue')+

  geom_line(data = new_stock_data %>% filter(month4forecastdate > Sys.Date()),aes(x = month4forecastdate,y = month4forecast), color = 'green')+

  geom_line(data = new_stock_data %>% filter(monthforecastdate >Sys.Date()), aes(x = monthforecastdate,y = monthforecast), color = 'orange')+

  labs(title = "Price Predictions")+





For attribution, please cite this work as

Sullivan (2022, Feb. 12). Project List: Stock Price Predictions. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Sullivan, Peter},
  title = {Project List: Stock Price Predictions},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}